Donate to Women at the Well
Supporting Women at the Well will help underwrite events, and provide scholarships for those in financial need. Ultimately, equipping a greater field to cast the seeds of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a day and age when it is so desperately needed.
Gifts of any size are welcome.
We are a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Ministry
Women of Purpose is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit California corporation and donations to Women of Purpose and Women at the Well are tax-deductible to the maximum amount permissible by law under the Internal Revenue Code.
Gift Acceptance Policy
Women of Purpose, doing business as Women at the Well (“WaW”), a nonprofit organization headquartered in San Diego, California, encourages the solicitation and acceptance of gifts to WaW for purposes that will help WaW further and fulfill its mission: To reach women with the lifesaving truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The following policies and guidelines govern acceptance of gifts made to WaW or for the benefit of any of its programs.
I. Purpose of Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this document is to set forth the criteria that WaW and its Board of Directors use to determine that a proposed gift is acceptable and to inform prospective donors and their advisors of the types of gifts WaW accepts. While these guidelines establish best practices, they are designed to provide flexibility as directed by the Board of Directors Gift Exceptions committee.
II. Use of Legal Counsel
WaW seeks the advice of outside legal counsel as appropriate on matters relating to acceptance of gifts. Review by legal counsel is usually sought in connection with:
- Closely held stock transfers that are subject to restrictions or buy-sell agreements
- Documents naming WaW as Trustee
- Gifts involving contracts, such as bargain sales or other documents requiring WaW to assume a legal obligation
- Gifts of patents and intellectual property
- Transactions with potential conflict of interest that may invoke IRS sanctions
- Other instances in which use of counsel is deemed appropriate by WaW’s Board of Directors.
III. Communications with Donors
WaW holds all communications with donors and information concerning donors and prospective donors in strict confidence, subject to legally authorized and enforceable requests for information by government agencies and courts. All other requests for or releases of information concerning a donor or a prospective donor will be granted only if permission is first obtained from the donor.
IV. Conflict of Interest
WaW does not provide personal legal, financial or other professional advice to donors or prospective donors. Donors and prospective donors are strongly urged to seek the assistance of their own professional advisors in matters relating to their gifts and the resulting tax and estate planning consequences. WaW endorses the Model Standards of Practice of the Charitable Gift Planner promulgated by the National Committee on Planned Giving (attached as Appendix A) and the Donor Bill of Rights promulgated by the Association of Fundraising Professionals) (attached as Appendix B).
V. Restrictions on Gifts
Unrestricted gifts and gifts for specific programs and purposes may be accepted, provided they are consistent with WaW’s mission, purposes and priorities. WaW will not accept gifts that are inconsistent with its mission, purposes or priorities or are judged too difficult to administer.
VI. The Gift Exceptions Committee of WaW
The Board of Directors also meets as The Gift Exceptions Committee and will review all non-marketable gifts to WaW, and those gifts referred to it by the Chief Financial Officer. The Gift Exceptions Committee consists of the following individuals:
Diane Lowery, CEO/President
Roxanne Farrer, CFO & Treasurer
Debi Baczynski, Vice President/Secretary
The Gift Exceptions Committee is responsible for regularly reporting its decisions on gift acceptance at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. The Committee is also responsible for reviewing these Policies and Procedures at least annually or more often as needed to ensure that they remain consistent with applicable laws and the programs of WaW.
VII. Types of Gifts
- Cash
- Tangible personal property
- In-kind gifts
- Publicly traded Stock Securities
- Life insurance
- Charitable gift annuities
- Charitable remainder trusts
- Revocable trust agreements
- Charitable lead trusts
- Retirement plan beneficiary designations
- Bequests
- Life insurance beneficiary designations
- Unreimbursed organization related expenses which result in reduced liability of the organization
- ACH (Automated Clearing House)
- Mobile payments
- Amazon/Smile
- Employee-Employer Gift Match