
Women at the Well is a San Diego based ministry of transformed women calling women to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

How We Do This

The Women at the Well produce events that feature dynamic and influential Christian women who point the way to Jesus through personal testimonies and biblical teachings. Our events include and are not limited to; weekend retreats, daytime revivals, and a variety of opportune gatherings.

By partnering with Christian fellowships helping them to develop a more vigorous women’s ministry in their communities and foster a core of transformed women calling other women to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Donations Will . . .

Support Women at the Well and their cause by way of underwriting events, and providing scholarships for those in financial need. Ultimately, equipping a greater field to cast the seeds of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a day and age when it is so desperately needed.

Every week we come together to study the Word of God. As we take this weekly plunge into the Living Water, we are fed a steady diet of wisdom, revelation and understanding of God’s character. The more we know Him, the more we can trust Him. The more we can trust Him, the more freedom, rest, and transformation of ourselves we can experience as we mature in faith.

If you are not involved in a weekly Bible class that immerses you in the study of God’s Word, we invite to join us. We are seekers of Biblical truths that are “living and active… discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) Come with us as we draw closer to Jesus and receive His gifts.


A closer look at an old story about a woman, a well, and a man named Jesus.

The Apostle John writes in the last two verses of his gospel account, chapter 21:24-25 “This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and we know that His testimony is true.  Now there are also many other things that Jesus did.  Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” 

Join Us!   Where He Leads.

Saturday and Sunday ~ October 12 – 13, 2024

The Bay Club Hotel & Marina
Commodore Room
2131 Shelter Island Drive
San Diego, California 92106

Invite Diane to speak at your
Conference, Retreat or Tea

A long-lived life and more than a decade of studying and teaching through the entire Bible have left Diane with an extensive menu of rich and applicable topics for every woman of every age.  From Genesis to Revelation, God has provided Scriptural, life-altering truths that are designed to be deposited into the hearts of those who have ears to hear.