God called Elijah the prophet during a critical time in Israel’s history to oppose a wicked king and bring revival to the land. But it wasn’t without a great cost to Elijah. His life was often filled with loneliness and turmoil. At times he was bold and decisive, other times, fearful and tentative. He experienced supernatural power and victory as well as deep depression and personal defeat. His story brings comfort and encouragement reminding us all that being obedient to the call of Christ doesn’t mean that we’ll never feel discouraged, afraid, or exhausted.  But rather in the process, we personally witness God’s power displayed in our lives. The blessings come in following Where He Leads.

Session One

Session Two

Session Three


What a difference a glorious weekend away makes! I appreciate the recap of what you ministered to. I was so emotional on Sunday and especially after Mary spoke. You are a great inspirational and spiritual teacher. I was moved by your conviction and illustration of the prophet, Elijah. I am reviewing my notes now.


This Retreat was an amazing experience in the word. “Where He Leads” was encouraging and uplifting. It was so relevant to how we, as God’s children, can be vulnerable and allow Him to led us and we obey. Thank you, Diane, for allowing the Lord to anoint you to share such beautiful scriptures to draw us close to the great I Am – the Shepherd, the Tree, the Raven and the unending provision of oil and flower. I am thankful to have the opportunity to come to this Retreat for the first time. The weather was great.


It (the Retreat) was wonderful for me and what a lesson.  No matter what is going on in our life we are never alone. Our Lord is with us all the time and not only do we need to love and believe in Him, we need to trust, obey and listen for Him. Thank you again for always giving all you have to and give & more.


My second time attending these events. I am always amazed with each lesson, the friendship and making new friends. Debi is so sweet and helpful!!! And Diane…. You are the BEST!!!!  FYI … I’ll be back next year… you can count on it !!!
