Our first event is one month in the rearview mirror and oh, what great memories!  They are still resonating in the hearts of those of us who worked and prayed over that one day.  Women at the Wellgives their heartfelt thanks to the beautiful Mary James www.maryjamesministries.org and Danna Demetre www.leanhealthyageless.com for seriously gracing us with their presence.  These gals are the real deal – five-star love for the Lord Jesus and five-star delivery of incredible music and word.

But even they alone could not have created the wonder of that day.  No, equally important was the attendance of the one hundred and twenty women who said, “Yes!”  “I’ll be there!”  Together, as a whole we gathered to celebrate the matchless splendor of the Lord Jesus Christ.  And He was there to celebrate with us!

Sometimes it’s easy to think that you can’t make a difference.  That just maybe all your efforts are close to being in vain.  But I am convinced that this is a lie.  Every time we say, “Yes!” to Jesus, He multiplies our meager efforts not just two-fold but abundantly more.  Consider the young boy with two fish and five loaves.  Jesus fed thousands with his small offering.  And so, we continue to follow the leading of the Lord Jesus.  Women at the Well are committed to continue to listen to the callings of Christ and deliver events and opportunities for us all to come together to share Him more, know Him more, love Him more and in the process not only change our own lives, but the lives of others who find themselves seekers of truth and good news.

In a world that is suffering from the darkness of the overcoming weeds and darkness of life – it’s a genuine blessing to be one who stands tall with a group of women who point the light to Christ – the One who makes a way when their seems to be no way.  Forever He is faithful.

Until our next event – we remain faithful to serve,
My Best Love,
Diane Lowery